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The General Administration of Customs Issued Ten Measures to Promote Foreign Trade to Maintain Stability and Enhance Quality

2022-06-08 16:25:09

hebei leimande

The General Administration of Customs Issued Ten Measures to Promote Foreign Trade to Maintain Stability and Enhance Quality

    The General Administration of Customs has released ten steps to reinforce ports of entry, implement epidemic prevention and control tasks simultaneously, and promote foreign trade in order to preserve stability and improve quality.

     First, to ensure that the supply chain of a key regional industry chain cycle runs smoothly. Second, to reduce the time it takes for businesses to cross customs. Third, inbound and outbound logistics must be more efficient. Fourth, to ensure that inbound and outbound postal routes run smoothly. Five, accelerate the development of new crown vaccination reagents. Sixth, actively execute tax and fee reduction strategies. Seventh, to ensure a reliable supply of agricultural and food items as well as other goods imported and exported. Eighth, to assist small and medium-sized businesses in doing market procurement business. Nine, to encourage the use of paperless customs clearance for import tariff quotas. ten. Improve statistical monitoring and analysis, as well as data services.

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